Explore our curated directory of static site generators, from Next.js to Hugo, and find the best tools for adding search, comments, and other features to your static website. Start building a fast, secure, and optimized website now.
Allboilerplates is a directory of starter kits that helps people find boilerplate code for their tech stack. Head on over to allboilerplates.com to find the perfect boilerplate for you!
Small Business Web Design & Development. Fully Responsive, Professional Website Design – $0 Down, $9.99/month onwards.
BlogFox is an AI-powered blogging tool that simplifies the creation of high-quality, SEO-optimized content.
Effortlessly create Xiaohongshu notes with our powerful suite of AI tools including the AI rewrite generator, AI text generator, and AI title generator!
Premier Boilerplates & Starter Kits for Developers Start Building with Ready-Made Templates and Grow Your Business Faster.
Linkter helps boost your content's visibility and performance in search engines by handling your internal linking process for you. It automates 99% of the work, saving you hundreds of hours, without sacrificing on quality of work.
SEO AI BOT leverages advanced AI to automate content creation, from in-depth research to Google indexing. Generate high-quality, SEO-optimized articles effortlessly, integrate directly with WordPress, and save time with our multi-agent system. Ideal for boosting traffic and simplifying SEO tasks.
SEO AI BOT leverages advanced AI to automate content creation, from in-depth research to Google indexing. Generate high-quality, SEO-optimized articles effortlessly, integrate directly with WordPress, and save time with our multi-agent system. Ideal for boosting traffic and simplifying SEO tasks.
Tools.so is a directory of high quality tools from all over the internet. Some examples include Notion, Prisma, Mixpanel, Render and Betalist.
Indie Hackers Stacks is a directory of indie products with their software stacks. You can use it to discover the tools that other makers use to build their products. Publish your own stack and get free exposure and some SEO juice.
Turn your unstructured data into perfectly optimized vector search indexes, purpose-built for retrieval augmented generation.
PPResume is a LaTeX based resume builder that helps people create beautifully typed resumes in minutes.
Indietool is a directory for apps and tools built by indie hackers and solopreneurs. You receive a dofollow link to help you with SEO.
Runestone Text Editor is a tool for editing plain text and code and it's optimized for Apple Vision Pro. Features include syntax highlighting, customizable themes, tools for finding and replacing text, code formatting, and many more. It's free to use but offers premium features for a price. It has a rating of 4.8.
Awesome tool that helps organize your AI work with workspaces and dynamic prompts. This lets you build prompts using {{variables}}!.
A directory of writer tools, including AI-generators, AI-detectors, and plagiarism scoring systems. Our curated collection highlights the most popular writing tools, ranked according to user satisfaction and effectiveness. We've categorized these tools into four main segments: AI Writing Assistants & Generators, Plagiarism Checkers & AI Detectors, Copywriting Tools & Content Generators, and Book Writing & Creative Writing Tools. Each section is designed to help you find the right stack for your specific writing and copywriting needs.